Saturday, 14 July 2007

The Cure for all diseases

The Cure for all Diseases by Dr Hulda Clark

The book was a mile stone in modern alternative medicine, It's claims in curing cancer and a hole host of other illnesses is nothing other than amazing, the depth of analysis is truly breath taking. If you have a serious illness and nothing is working for you, read this book and start a journey of discovery and knowledge.

You can download a PDF version of the book free

Some excerpts from the book:

How To Heal

Your body has been trying to rid itself of its parasites and
pollutants all your life! It had its own ways. It made stones, it
made mucus secretions, it made itself toxic dump sites. These
were good tactics but now of course, they are no longer necessary.
Can you help your body get rid of these accumulations and
sweep itself clean again?
Sweeping your liver clean is the most powerful way of
helping your body to heal itself after the parasites are gone.
There are thousands of bits of “trash” accumulated in the liver
bile ducts. They will turn into stones (gallstones) if left in place.
The kidney, too, has made numerous small stones in its effort
to keep your body clear of lead, cadmium, mercury and
other impassable pollutants. You can assist the kidney to expel
all these.

The Road To Wellness
To review our new understanding of health vs. disease:
• We have only two problems: parasites and pollutants.
Parasites are things that live on us, using up our food and
giving us their wastes. Pollutants are toxic things in us
making it difficult for our organs to do their work. These
two things are responsible for all our other problems.
• Our bodies have been trying to rid us of these by making
stones, making secretions, giving us swellings, inflammations
and benign tumors. We develop deficiencies and disabilities.
• Finally, some permanent damage is done. Our hair turns
gray, we develop cataracts, the spine bends, nerves and
muscles die. We weaken.
Our strategy to undo all this